Biomedical Term Service Help

Biomedical Term Service

Cafe Variome Biomedical Term Service (CV-BTS or BTS) is a web API service that provides various functionalities related to biomedical terms, including:

  • Autocomplete for terms

  • Parent-child traversal for terms (expansion)

  • Mapping between term systems

  • Semantic similarity between terms

License and disclaimer

CV-BTS is licensed under the MIT License. You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program. If not, see MIT License or below:

The data being downloaded or used by CV-BTS are not generated, validated or distributed in any form by Cafe Variome. They should be downloaded from the respective sources, under their own licenses and terms of use. Their authors do not endorse or support CV-BTS in any way. When downloading and using the data, ensure that you comply with the terms of use of the respective data sources and the local laws. For questions regarding the data, please contact the respective data sources.

Features and roadmap

The currently implemented features are:

  • Downloading and parsing of biomedical term sets

    • HPO

    • ORDO (Orphanet)

    • SNOMED-CT, SNOMED UK Edition, SNOMED UK Drug Extension, SNOMED UK Clinical Extension

    • HGNC symbols and IDs

  • Auto-completion of terms

  • Ontology tree expansion search

  • A CLI to manage the system

The planned features are:

  • Adding more term sets:

    • OMIM

    • NCIT

  • Semantic similarity search

  • Prometheus metrics support

Last modified: 04 October 2024