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Deploying Frontend


The frontend of Cafe Variome V3 is written with Flutter, a cross-platform application framework developed by Google. When designing the applications, we have taken into consideration different platforms, and tried our best to provide a unified experience across all platforms. However, due to the nature of Flutter, there are still some differences between the web and other versions. This document will explain the differences and how to compile and install the frontend. Note that we only provide pre-compiled release for web platform, because some parameters are set during compile time, and it's not possible to provide a single release that works for all requirements. This document will walk you through the process of compiling the frontend from source.

The frontend of Cafe Variome V3 consists of 3 applications: the admin interface, the record level query interface, and the metadata query interface. Each can be used independently as a standalone application, or they can redirect to each other (on web platform) and work together. The admin interface is used to manage the system, including user management, data source management, and system configuration. The record level query interface is used to query the data source and retrieve individual records. The metadata query interface is used to query the metadata of the data source, and retrieve the metadata. Some functionalities, such as login, landing page, etc. are shared between them.


To compile the frontend, you will need:

  • Flutter SDK, 3.22.2 or above.

  • Compatile Dart SDK, this is usually managed by Flutter automatically. The Dart SDK used to develop this project is 3.4.3.

  • A working internet connection, as the Flutter SDK will download dependencies from the internet.

  • Minimum of 1 GB available memory, minimum of 2 GB available disk space.

Compiling the frontend

The flutter application is designed to work on web and desktop environment, including Windows, Linux and MacOS. Before compiling, several configurations need to be changed:

cp ./assets/config.json.example ./assets/config.json nano ./assets/config.json

The JSON file contains only 6 entrirs:

{ "backendURL": "http://localhost:5000", "redirectURL": "http://localhost:49430/callback.html", "redirectSilentURL": "http://localhost:49430/callback-silent.html", "adminURL": "http://localhost:5000", "discoverURL": "http://localhost:5000/discover", "metaDiscoveryURL": "http://localhost:5000/meta-discover" }

The backend URL points to the backend intended to use with this frontend. The redirect URL points to the callback.html file within the web app, while the silent redirect URL points to the callback-silent.html file. When using the frontend as desktop app instead of web app, these URLs can be anything, as long as the frontend, backend and KeyCloak are configured to match. it's still recommended to set them to a domain controlled by you, as there may be credentials leak if the URL is pointing outside. The admin, discover and meta discovery URL points to the position of three web applications. If using in desktop mode they are not used, so can be left unchanged.

The content of callback.html also needs to be changed if using on web and serving under a subpath. The line:

window.location.href = "/#/?code=" + code;

Needs to be changed to:

window.location.href = "/your/subpath/#/?code=" + code;

This can be done before the compile in web directory, or after compile in the root directory of the result (often build/web).

For official documents on how to build and release Flutter apps, refer to Google Documents.

Compile for web

The web version of the frontend is the easiest to compile, and the recommended distribution method for a hosted system. No extra tools required for compiling for web.

To compile for web, simply run the following command in the root directory of the frontend:

flutter build web --release

If the web app is intended to be served under a subpath, like, the main js file need to be loaded from the sub path. To let Flutter engine know this, add the following parameter:

flutter build web --base-href "/cv3/"

Remember to modify the callback.html file as mentioned above.

Serving for web

The compiled web app can be served by any HTTP server. An example of Apache virtual host configuration is:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/html/cv3 <Directory /var/www/html/cv3> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost>

Compiling for Linux

To compile for Linux, a system running Linux with necessary development header files is required. You would also need gcc and necessary dependencies. We recommend runnning flutter doctor and resolve any dependency issues before proceeding.

To build for linux, run:

flutter build linux --release

This generates a directory with the compiled release. The binary file will be in build/linux/release/bundle. If there is a need to distribute the application, releasing as appimage may be easier. There are configuration files checked into the repository to be used with flutter_distributor to generate appimage. There is no pre-compiled appimage, because the configuration files need to be modified prior to compiling. Run:

# Install locate and appimagetool sudo apt install locate wget -O appimagetool "" chmod +x appimagetool mv appimagetool /usr/local/bin/ # Install flutter_distributor dart pub global activate flutter_distributor # Compile the appimage flutter_distributor package --platform linux --targets appimage
Last modified: 02 September 2024